Information on the Office for the Protection of Competition
The Office for the Protection of Competition is the central authority of state administration responsible for creating conditions that favour and protect competition, supervision over public procurement and consultation and monitoring in relation to the provision of State aid.
Latest news
2025-01-08 / Google Made Changes to one of its Services in Reaction to the Investigation of the Office Last year, the Office for the Protection of Competition investigated possible abuse of a dominant position by Google Czech Republic, s.r.o, its parent company Google International LLC and Google Ireland Ltd. The investigation was terminated following changes made by Google to its Google Merchant Centre service...
2024-11-19 / Pet Food Supplier VAFO Has to Pay CZK 120 million for Prohibited Resale Price Fixing The Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as “the Office”) imposed a fine of CZK 120,121,000 on the undertaking VAFO PRAHA (hereinafter referred to as "VAFO") for the conclusion and implementation of prohibited vertical agreements on price fixing in the sector of pet food supply...
2024-11-18 / The Office Has Received Appeals Against Decisions on the Tender for the Construction of Nuclear Power Plant The Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred as "the Office") has received appeals filed by Électricité de France and Westinghouse Electric Company LLC against the first instance decisions on the public contract of the contracting authority Elektrárna Dukovany II for the construction...
2024-10-31 / The Office Decides on the Proposals of Westinghouse and EDF Against the Nuclear Tender Procedure In the First Instance The Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as "the Office") has decided in the first instance on the proposals of the companies Électricité de France and Westinghouse Electric Company LLC against the procedure of the contracting authority Elektrárna Dukovany II in the tender for...
2024-10-16 / The Office is Conducting a Dawn Raid at the Premises of the Undertaking Following numerous media inquiries, we confirm that the Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as “the Office“) is conducting an unannounced inspection of
2024-10-01 / Merger of PPF Group and Nordic Telecom May Take Place Subject to Commitments The Office for the Protection of Competition has cleared the merger by its final decision, as a result of which PPF TMT Holdco 2 B.V. may acquire, through O2 Czech Republic a.s., sole control over Nordic Telecom Regional s.r.o. A favorable decision is, however, subject to the fulfilment of commitments aimed...
2024-09-16 / The 2024 St. Martin's Conference Program Will Offer a new Competition Tool and Private Enforcement The Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as "the Office") is preparing the 17th annual St. Martin Conference on trends, news and hot topics in the field of competition. The conference will be held on 6 and 7 November 2024 in Brno, in the conference hall of the Office
2024-09-03 / Details on the Content of Westinghouse and EDF's Complainst Against Nuclear Tender Last week, the Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as “the Office”) received submisisons from Westinghouse Electric Company LLC and Électricité de France challenging the procedure of the contracting authority Elektrárna Dukovany II, in the tender for the construction of a...
About the project
Operační program: OP Lidské zdroje a zaměstnanost
Identifikace výzvy: 48-Výzva pro předkládání IP 4.1- Efektivní správní úřad - Posilování institucionální kapacity a efektivnosti veřejné správy, 4.4a1
Registrační číslo: CZ.1.04/4.1.00/48.00007
Název projektu: Zefektivnění řízení procesů na ÚOHS
Tyto webové stránky byly vytvořeny v rámci projektu Zefektivnění řízení procesů na ÚOHS.

Tento projekt byl spolufinancován z prostředků ESF prostřednictvím
Operačního programu Lidské zdroje a zaměstnanost a státního rozpočtu ČR.