Inspection of Documentation
Brief description of the application process for the inspection of documentation is published below. The description is supplemented with the relevant part of internal directive that regulates inspections of documentation.
How to request the inspection of documentation
- The request in writing has to be delivered by mail, in electronic form to the data mailbox of the Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as „the Office“), in electronic form signed by a certified electronic signature or submitted orally into the protocol.
- The request may be submitted by other means, particularly by telex, telefax or public data network without the use of the certified electronic signature provided that the request submitted by the means mentioned in the Article 1 is confirmed within five days.
- The request has to specify the particular documentation which should be the subject to the inspection.
- The exact date of the inspection of documentation is determined by the authorized representative of the Office by prior arrangement.
- Each inspection has to be recorded in a written protocol. The protocol states the course of inspection and other important matters.
- The person conducting the inspection has the right to make extracts and to be provided with copies of the documentation or its part made by the authorized representative of the Office. The person inspecting the documentation has the right to take photographs of the documentation by their own camera.
- The provision of such transcriptions, copies, photocopies or extracts is charged with the administrative fee pursuant to the schedule included in the annex to the Act on the Administrative Fees.