Deposit and Administrative Fee



A)       DEPOSIT – Article 255 of the Act No. 134/2016 Coll. on Public Procurement (hereinafter referred to as “the Public Procurement Act“)

On submitting the application for review (not applicable in case a review of concession awarding procedure is concerned), the applicant shall pay to the bank account of the Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as “the Office”) a deposit amounting to:

§   1 % of the applicant´s bid price for the entire period of the public contract performance or for the period of the initial four years of the performance of contracts of indefinite duration, however, not less than CZK 50,000 and not more than CZK 10,000,000.

§   In case it is impossible for the applicant to set the bid price, the applicant is obliged to pay the deposit of CZK 100,000.

§   In case of the application for imposing a ban on the performance of the contract, the petitioner is obliged to pay the deposit of CZK 200,000.

The deposit is to be credited to the Office´s bank account within time limits set with respect to the application delivery to the Office pursuant to the Article No. 251 (2) and (3) and the Article No. 254 (3) of the Public Procurement Act. More specifically, the last day of the time limit at the latest.

In case the Office reviews the concession awarding procedure, on submitting the application, the applicant shall pay to the bank account of the Office a deposit of:

§   1 % of the anticipated concession value published in Public Procurement Journal or on the buyer profile, however, not less than CZK 50,000 and not more than CZK 10,000,000.

§   In case the contracting authority does not publish anticipated concession value in Public Procurement Journal or on the buyer profile, the petitioner is obliged to pay the deposit of CZK 100,000.

§   In case of the application for imposing a ban on the performance of the contract, the petitioner is obliged to pay the deposit of CZK 200,000.

The deposit is to be credited to the Office´s bank account within time limits set with respect to the application delivery to the Office pursuant to the Article No. 251 (2) and (3) and Article No. 254 (3) of the Public Procurement Act. More specifically, the last day of the time limit at the latest.

The deposit is calculated by means of rounding to whole number the following way:

·           if it is less than 0.50 CZK, the deposit is rounded to whole number down

·           if it is 0.50 CZK and more, the deposit is rounded to whole number up

The number of the Office´s bank account is 16010-24825621/0710, BIC (SWIFT): CNBACZPP, IBAN: CZ22 0710 0160 1000 2482 5621.

The bank account is maintained by the branch of the Czech National Bank in Brno.

The identification number (“IČO” in Czech) of the applicant shall be used as a payment reference number.



Application for initiation of administrative proceedings regarding the review of contracting authority procedure (not to be confused with a complaint which could lead to initiation of administrative proceedings ex-officio) is not charged pursuant to the Act No. 634/2004 Coll. on Administrative Fees.

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