Information pursuant to the Act No. 106/1999 Coll.
Listing of obligatory information pursuant to the Act No. 106/1999 Coll and the ISVS Standard for issuing chosen information on the state administration
1. Complete name of the liable entity:
Office for the Protection of Competition (Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže)
2. Reason and manner of establishment of the liable entity, including conditions and principles under which the entity performs its activity:
The Office for the Protection of Competition was established on 1st November 1996 by the Act No 273/1996 Coll., that constitutes its scope as a central body of state administration of the Czech Republic. The Office creates preconditions for support and protection of economic competition, supervises the public procurement and carries out other activities prescribed by specific laws.
3. Description of organisational structure of the liable entity:
Organisational structure of the Office
4. Contact e-mail address, phone, fax, official e-mail for electronic signature:
Office for the Protection of Competition
trida Kpt. Jarose 7
605 55 Brno
Phone: +420 542 167 233
Phone (press): +420 54216/288, 243, 225
Fax: +420 542 167 112
e-registry: public web interface
5. Bank contact for all possible payments from public:
- ČNB Brno (Czech National Bank), account no.: 24825621/0710 (foreign payments IBAN: CZ43 0710 0000 0000 2482 5621)
- fines payment: account of Customs Administration of the Czech Republic, (as stated in the given decision of the Office)
- payment of adminstrative fees: 3711-24825621/0710 (foreign payments IBAN: CZ43 0710 0037 1100 2482 5621) konst. symbol: 1148
- payment of public procurement cautions: 16010-24825621/0710, variable symbol: Identification number of the plaintiff (foreign plaintiff - BIC (SWIFT): CNBACZPP, IBAN: CZ22 0710 0160 1000 2482 5621)
- payment of proceeding cost: 19-24825621/0710 (foreign payments IBAN: CZ43 0710 0000 1900 2482 5621)
6. Identification No. of the organisation:
7. Tax identification number:
8. Information on approved and modified budget and publication of reports for the previous year (in Czech only):
Budget of the Office for the year 2011
Budget of the Office for the year 2012 52 KB
9. Place and manner of acquiring the relevant information:
- mail:
Office for the Protection of Competition
trida Kpt. Jarose 7
604 55 Brno
Czech Republic - phone:
+420 542 167 233 (chairman)
+420 542 167 288/243/225 (press) - fax:
+420 542167 112 (fax – chairman) - e-mail:
10. Where to submit an application or a proposal, instigation or any other letters rogatory or receive a decision:
Registry of the Office (Mo-Fri 8.00 AM– 3.00 PM)
Electronic registry:
11. Place, time limit and manner of filing a remedial measure against the decision of the liable entity pursuant to Section 15 of Act No. 106/1999 Coll.:
Within 15 days after the delivery of the decision or 15 days after the expiry of the time limit for the handling of the request with no action taken, the requesting party may file a remonstrance with the Office which will be decided by the Office within 15 days after the filing of a remonstrance by the liable entity; if he fails to decide on the issue within this time limit, the remonstrance will be deemed to be refused. This refusal is not appealable; however, may be reviewed by court.
Remonstrance may be filed to the Chairman of the Office alike to article 10 (see above)
12. Description of procedures (instructions for solution of practical situations – in Czech only):
Complaint on infringement of the Act on the Protection of Competition
Submission of notification of concentration
13. The overview of the most important regulations pursuant to which the liable entity in particular proceeds and adopts decisions, which stipulate the right to request information and which regulate other rights of citizens with respect to the liable entity, including the information on where and when those regulations are available for inspection: :
- Act No. 273/1996 Coll. on the Scope of Activities of the Office for the Protection of Competition
- Act No. 143/2001 Coll. on the Protection of Competition and on Amendment to Certain Acts (Act on the Protection of Competition) as amendment by Act No. 340/2004 Coll. of May 2004, Act No. 484/2004 Coll. of 5 August 2004, Act No. 127/2005 Coll. of 22 February, Act No. 361/2005 Coll. of 19 August 2005
- Act No. 137/2006 Coll. on Public Procurement
- Act No. 215/2004 Coll., amending certain relationships within the area of state aid, and altering the Act on the promotion of research and development
For official Czech wording of regulations above and full list of regulations see section Legislativa in the Czech version of web pages.
14. Tariff of Fees charged for the provision of information
15. Annual reports on activities of the entity in the area of the provision of information for at least two previous calendar years:
Annual reports on activities in the area of the provision of information