Act No. 143/2001 Coll., on the Protection of Competition 374 KB - updated version 2023 (not an official transaltion)
Decree No. 294/2016 Coll. of 8 September 2016, stipulating details of the justification of a concentration notification and documents certifying facts decisive for a concentration
Act 273/1996 Coll. on the Scope of Competence of the Office for the Protection of Competition as amended by Act No. 187/1999 Coll., Act No. 359/2004 Coll., Act No. 626/2004 Coll., Act No. 264/2006 Coll.
Act No. 262/2017 Coll. of 20 July 2017 on Competition Damages and on amendment of the Act No. 143/2001 Coll., on the Protection of Competition and on amendment of Certain Acts (Protection of Competition Act), as amended (Competition Damages Act) 388 KB
Soft Law
Notice of the Office for the Protection of Competition of 29 July 2023 on the settlement pursuant to Article 22bb of the Act on the Protection of Competition (Settlement Procedure) 179 KB
Notice of the Office for the Protection of Competition on Compliance Programmes Dated 1/1/2024 262 KB
Notice on the Reqirements for Concentration Notifications (2016)
Notice of the Office for the Protection of Competition of 29/7/2023 on the Application of the Article 22ba of the Act on the Protection of Competition (Leniency Programme) 293 KB - updated version
Notice of the Office for the Protection of Competition of 4 November 2013 on Application of Article 22ba(1) of the Act on the Protection of Competition (Leniency Programme) - valid only for cases launched before 29/7/2023
Procedure of Setting Fines Imposed pursuant to the Act on the Protection of Competition
Notice of the Office for the Protection of Competition on agreements of minor importance which do not appreciably restrict competition (de minimis)
Merger Guidelines
Notice of the Office for the Protection of Competition on the pre-notification contacts with merging parties
Notice of the Office for the Protection of Competition on Calculation of Turnover for the Purpose of the Control of Concentrations between Undertakings
Notice on the Application of the Failing Firm Defence Concept in the Assessment of Concentrations of Undertakings
Notice on the Notion of "Undertakings Concerned" under the Act on Protection of Competition
Notice on the prohibition of implementation of concentrations prior to the approval and exemptions thereof
Older versions of law and soft-law
Act No. 143/2001 Coll., on the Protection of Competition - updated version 2017
Amendments No. 261/2021 Coll. and No. 417/2021 Coll. to the Competition Act 157 KB
Decree of the Office for the Protection of Competition No. 252/2009 Coll. Stipulating details relating to the notification of a concentration of undertakings (unofficial translation)
Notice of the Office for the Protection of Competition of 8 November 2013 on the procedure focused on speeding up the administrative procedure using the Institute of application for a reduction of fine under Article 22ba (2) of the Act on the Protection of Competition (Settlement Procedure)
- Competition Advocacy - Notice of the Office for the Protection of Competition on the alternative solution of certain competition issues - the notice was amended significantly in 2013, English version not yet available
Public Procurement
Czech Republic
ACT No. 134/2016 Coll. on Public Procurement (original version without amendments)
ACT No. 137/2006 Coll. on Public Contracts (not valid any more)
ACT No. 40/2004 on Public Procurement - ineffective since 1 July 2006 (Please note that the English version of the Act on Public Procurement is for informational purposes only)
State Aid
Czech Republic
Act No. 215/2004 Coll., amending certain relationships within the area of state aid, and altering the Act on the promotion of research and development 363 KB
(the English version of this document is only for working purposes, the only authentic is the Czech version)
Significant Market Power
Amended by the Acts No.: 50/2016 Coll., 104/2017 Coll., 183/2017 Coll., 254/2020 Coll., 359/2022 Coll.
Trasnport Infrastructure Access
- Act No. 266/1994 Coll., on Rail Systems, as amended, version applicable from 1 February 2022
- Act No. 49/1997 Coll., on Civil Aviation and on amendment of Act No. 455/1991 Coll., Trade Licensing Code, as amended, consolidated version applicable from 1 July 2017
- Act No. 13/1997 Coll., on Road Communications, as amended (Czech version)
- Act No. 500/2004 Coll., Code of Administrative Procedure, as amended, version applicable from 29 July 2016, current version is available only in the Czech version
- Decree No. 76/2017 Coll., on the content and scope of services provided by railway undertakings (Czech version)
- Decree No. 173/1995 Coll., Issuing the Railway Transportation Rules (Czech version)
- Act no. 526/1990 Coll., on prices, as amended, version applicable from from 1 July 2017
- Decree No. 450/2009 Coll., implementing Act no. 526/1990 Coll., on prices, (Czech version)
- Price Bulletin (Czech version)
- Decree No. 85/1964 Coll., between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Republic of Austria on the Adjustment of the Railway Border Crossing