International Cooperation


The Office for the Protection of Competition cooperates intensively with the European Commission in the field of public procurement. Representatives of the Office regularly participate in the meetings of the Commission Government Expert Group on Public Procurement (EXPP), which is established to advise the Commission on its policy on public procurement. It is composed of government representatives from all Member States of the EU. Representatives come from a range of government bodies, including ministries of economy or finance, public procurement agencies, competition authorities, etc. The Group's task is to assist the Commission in the definition and development of the public procurement policy for the Internal Market, including its international dimension. It complements the Advisory Committee for Public Contracts, the comitology body in this policy field.

In addition, the Office is the member of the Network of First Instance Public Procurement Review Bodies. Its mission is to advise the Commission on any matter related to the implementation of the Remedies Directives and the functioning of the national remedies systems. The members of this network are the Member States. It is for the authority of each Member State to decide on who will represent them.

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