St. Martin´s Conference 2019
This year, the Office for the Protection of Competition organizes the 13th annual St. Martin´s Conference which will take place at the premises of the Office on 13 and 14 November.
As in previous years the opening panel will be dedicated to recent trends and developments of the Czech and European competition law and policy.
Following contributions will deal with the very topical competition matters as for example the private enforcement in practice, the issue of joint bidding in tenders or new trends in relation to vertical agreements. The agenda also includes topic dedicated to the issue of significant market power in light of the Directive on Unfair Trading Practices in Agriculture and Food Supply Chain. Parallel workshops scheduled on the second day of the conference will focus on current experience of the Office with unannounced inspections or the issue of digitalisation of contracts in the field of significant market power.
We believe that also this year´s St. Martin´s conference will be an excellent opportunity to gain information about the most significant events and current trends in the field of the Czech and the European competition law, but also it will become a place for informal meetings and discussion between national as well as foreign competition experts from both the public and the private sphere.
Two days conference will be held in the Czech and the English language with simultaneous translation.
Introduction of Speakers and their Presentations