May 2022 Public Procurement Conference

The Office for the Protection of Competition is organizing the first year of the May Conference on Public Procurement to be held on 18 and 19 May 2022. The conference will take place at the Brno headquarters of the Office.

The two-day conference programme will be addressed by national and foreign experts on public procurement issues. In addition to representatives of the Office, representatives of the Regional Court in Brno and the Supreme Administrative Court, experts from the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and other institutions will stand behind the lectern. Foreign guests will include representatives of the European Commission and supervisory bodies from Slovakia, Austria and Croatia, as well as academics.

The conference will focus, for example, on innovations and innovative approach to public procurement, practical experience with the application of (not only the new) public procurement principles in practice, horizontal or vertical cooperation, consequences of serious misconduct by contractors and new developments in EU legislation.


The conference is fee-based.


Introduction of Speakers and their Presentations


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