The Office for the Protection of Competition signed a Memorandum on cooperation with the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic

Within its international activities the Office for the Protection of Competition (the OPC) has developed a long-term close cooperation with the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic. The Chairman of the OPC Mr. Petr Rafaj and his Slovak counterpart Mr. Tibor Menyhart has taken today another step to strengthen this traditional cooperation by signing the official Memorandum on Cooperation of both authorities.

The document sets basic principles of cooperation between the Czech and Slovak competition authorities. Both authorities agreed on organizing regular meetings for the purpose of a mutual exchange of legal provisions, guidelines and case-law and also analysis and statistics of particular markets. Last but not least the authorities agreed on mutual attendance of conferences and seminars and on the possibility to organize study visits in partner institutions. 

The authorities also committed themselves to provide, upon request and in compliance with the legal framework of their jurisdictions, publicly available information on undertakings whose activities could have a negative impact on economic competition within the jurisdiction of the partner authority. Similarly the exchange of information will be held as regards undertakings from third countries whose activity could have a negative impact on economic competition in the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic. Within the framework of the newly established cooperation the OPC and the Antimonopoly Office will provide to each other assistance during investigations of alleged anticompetitive conducts of economic entities in the territory of participating states.

“We are connected to our Slovak Colleagues by common history and geographical neighborhood and logically our authorities tackle with similar issues. By signing the Memorandum today we have achieved to strengthen the long-term and special relations and set their clear and official rules” stated the Chairman of the OPC after signing the document.


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