The Office organized ECA Meeting in Prague

The Office for the Protection of Competition (the Office) organized the annual meeting of heads of European competition authorities on 21 – 22 May 2014 in Prague within the platform of European Competition Authorities (ECA). Such platform brings together competition authorities of all European states including non-EU Member States.

ECA represents a top level meeting and its purpose is especially mutual exchange of information about actual cases dealt by competition authorities and recent developments in the legislative area. The first day of the conference was dedicated to these matters and was opened by the Chairman of the Office, Mr. Petr Rafaj. “Modern competition law is experiencing dynamic developments and therefore it is crucial for us to stay informed about the recent trends” stated the Chairman of the Office within its opening speech to his foreign colleagues.

The first panel discussion of the second conference day was dedicated to the functioning of competition and sector regulation within a single authority as in several countries competition and sector regulation authorities merged into one institution during last years. Contribution of representatives of Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, Estonia and Belgium showed among others the differentiated approach of particular states to such integration and problematic issues dealt by management of merged authorities.

Closing part of the conference agenda covered the use of commitments decisions when parties to the proceedings may offer measures to the competition authority to remedy the anticompetitive conduct and therefore the case might be quickly solved. Conference participants agreed that in certain situations commitments decisions are in place and contribute to procedural economy however they also warned against preferring this tool before sanction decisions.


ECA Meeting 2014


International and External Relations

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