KMV is allowed to take control over part of PEPSI business, subject to commitments

The Office for the Protection of Competition issued on 30 October 2018 a decision approving the concentration between soft drinks producers, subject to fulfilment of several structural commitments. The concentration consists of an acquisition of control over companies PEPSICO CZ, PEPSI-COLA SR and a part of the business of the company Fővárosi Ásványvíz - és Üdítőipari Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság by acquiring undertaking KMV BEV CZ. The decision has already become final.

In order to eliminate the Office’s competition concerns, the company KMV BEV CZ accepted certain structural commitments. As a result of the commitments, activities of the merging parties will not overlap with regard to the production and wholesale of branded flavoured and unflavoured bottled water. Within the market of the production and wholesale of the branded RTD tea drinks, there will be relatively small increase of market share, whilst the KMV group will offer exactly the same number of brands of such products as it did before. 

Press Unit of The Office

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