Competition law enforcement during the crisis caused by COVID-19 disease

Countries around the globe are currently facing an unprecedented crisis caused by pandemic of the Covid-19 disease, which causes both health and economic difficulties.

The Office is aware of the fact that in these difficult times, many businesses, mainly SMEs, are facing enormous problems and difficulties, which have negative impact on their work. Nevertheless, even these times should represent opportunity to look for ways and options for continuous supply of goods and services and fulfilment of consumer’s needs, and they should not be an apology for illegal and harmful conduct. Therefore, business should be still done in accordance with the legislation, including competition law.

The Office strongly emphases that it continues in markets monitoring, it oversees the compliance with competition rules and it is ready for possible enforcement and punishment action against illegal distortion of competition. Key areas under the surveillance of Office are currently hard-core cartels and prohibited exclusionary practices of dominant undertakings connected with critically essential goods and services, such as groceries, energies, drugs etc. The Office will focus on these areas in the upcoming weeks and months. Therefore, undertakings shall avoid facilitation of their situation by such behaviour, which harms the consumers as a result. This includes mainly agreements on prices, market allocation, production restrictions or joint action in public procurement. Undertakings with dominant position on the market shall not abuse this situation by excessive pricing. This applies mainly on the goods and services which are not during the crisis easily available.  Such undertakings shall not force other undertakings out of the market by abuse of their dominance. It is not possible that such behaviour would be excused by the current situation and remain unpunished.

The Office is also aware that during the emergency, certain above-standard cooperation of undertakings might be desirable. To be in line with competition rules, such cooperation should be pursued only with the target of ensuring supplies of goods and services, which are necessary in the pandemic period and in the same time, their supplies are threatened by the current situation. Anyway, any business that would like to solve their problems caused by the crisis by mutual cooperation (even in good faith) should be always aware that the competition rules remain valid. In case of any doubts about compliance of their behaviour with competition rules, undertakings should contact the Office, which is prepared to provide guidance on legality of their actions.

The Office is convinced that in most cases and in most markets, even this uneasy period gives an opportunity to maintain effective competition and to ensure its benefits are passed on consumers.

Press Unit of the Office

2024-06-19 / Office for the Protection of Competition Cooperates with European Public Prosecutor's Office Today in Luxembourg, Mr Petr Mlsna, the Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition, signed an agreement with the European chief prosecutor, Ms Laura Codruţa Kövesi, on cooperation between...

2024-05-09 / The Office Revealed and Punished Another Cartel Agreement between Construction Companies The Office for the Protection of Competition imposed fines totalling CZK 7,442,000 on the construction companies B.H.S. BOHEMIA, a.s., SEŽEV facility s.r.o., COMMODUM, spol. s r.o. and Hroší stavby...

2024-04-23 / EP ENERGY TRADING Infringed Competition Act by Early Implementation of Merger With Gazela Energy The Office for the Protection of Competition (the Office) imposed a fine of CZK 18,840,000 on the undertaking EP ENERGY TRADING. for concluding a concentration between undertakings prior to the notification...

2024-04-18 / Sector Inquiry on Waste Management The Office for the Protection of Competition (the Office) has initiated a large-scale sector inquiry focused on waste management. Over the next two years, the Office shall obtain information from all...

2024-04-09 / Zásilkovna will share pick-up points thanks to the intervention of the Office, more options for consumers The Office for the Protection of Competition (“the Office”) accepted commitments from an undertaking Zásilkovna s.r.o. consisting of an amendment to the contractual terms and conditions concluded...

2024-04-05 / Fine of CZK 8 million for Another Pet Food Distributor Forbiding Lower Prices By the first-instance decision, the Office for the Protection of Competition (“the Office”) imposed a fine of CZK 8,656,000 on the undertaking Dibaq a.s. for entering into prohibited agreements on...

2024-04-03 / The Office Imposed a Fine of CZK 72 million on Distributor of Moulinex, Rowenta, Krups and Tefal Products The Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as “the Office”) imposed a fine of CZK 72 333 000 on the undertaking Groupe SEB ČR s.r.o. for prohibited agreements on resale...

2024-02-13 / The Office Imposed a Record Fine of CZK 125 million on ELECTROLUX for Anticompetitive Conduct The Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as “the Office”) punished the undertaking ELECTROLUX, by imposing a fine of CZK 125 404 000 for long-term anticompetitive conduct...

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