Office Imposed Fines for IT Cartel Agreement in Total Amount of CZK 75 million

By its first-instance decision of 7 December 2020, the Office for the Protection of Competition imposed fines in the total amount of CZK 74,622,000 on AUTOCONT a.s., TESCO SW a.s., ICZ a.s., MERIT GROUP a.s., A-Scan s.r.o., Asseco Central Europe, a.s. a FPO s.r.o. for bid rigging agreement. The decision has not yet come into force and undertakings may file an appeal against the decision.

Alleged infringement of the Czech Competition Act consists in sharing the performance of the public contract (Development of E-government Services in Olomouc Region) by mutual exchange of contacts and information. The public contract was awarded by Olomouc Region (regional authority) in 2012.  Undertakings which entered into cartel agreement also illegally participated in the creation of the public contract.  This particular prohibited agreement was concluded with the aim to succeed in public contract by submitting the bid consisting in performance shared by all the undertakings. Undertakings concerned submitted two shared bids, the more advantageous bid by AUTOCONT a.s. (the rest of undertakings participating as subcontractors) and the cover bid by ICZ a.s.

A-Scan s.r.o. applied for a reduction of fine (the so-called settlement) on the basis of which its fine was reduced by 20%.

Press Unit of the Office

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