The Office Will Share Its Experience Using the DATACROS Tool

The results of the Datacros II project, which focuses on investigating corruption, organised and financial crime using innovative techniques, will be presented on Tuesday 30 January 2024 through a public international webinar organised by the Transcrime Research Centre, based at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. The Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as "the Office") is one of the partners in this project, which is co-funded by the European Commission.

The DATACROS tool was developed as part of the project - a platform that supports financial crime investigations by detecting anomalies in company characteristics that may indicate high risks of collusion, corruption and money laundering. It is a risk assessment and management tool that is capable of increasing the success of public authorities in detecting cross-border financial crime schemes involving complex corporate structures and uncovering corruption and collusion schemes in public procurement.

DATACROS is used by some public authorities in the European Union (security, anti-corruption and competition authorities) and investigative journalists to successfully investigate financial crimes. A total of 18 institutions from seven European countries are participating in the Datacros II project. Representatives from the University of Milan, the European Union, Europol, the NCPA (Network of Corruption Prevention Authorities), police, competition authorities and investigative media from Belgium, Czechia, France, Italy, Romania and Spain will present their results and experiences in using the Datacros tool in a webinar. Representatives of the Office will also share their practical experience in using the tool during the webinar.

The webinar is open to the general public and is free to register for.


Agenda Datacros webinar Agenda Datacros webinar 3.3 MB


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