Press releases - State Aid

2006-09-21 / President of the Czech Republic, Mr. Klaus, inaugurated a new Chairman of the Office President of the Czech Republic, Mr. Václav Klaus, inaugurated a new Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition of the Czech Republic, Mr. Martin Pecina (see the left part of the picture

2006-09-21 / State aid for company Honeywell The Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter “the Office”), Mr. Josef Bednář, approved in his decision of 29 August 2003 the exemption from the prohibition of state aid in favour of company Honeywell, spol.s.r.o

2006-09-21 / State aif for company Miele conditionally approved The Office for the Protection of Competition approved with conditions the exemption from the prohibition of state aid in form of investment incentives in favour of the company Miele Technika

2006-09-21 / Company Furukawa is allowed to receive investment incentives The Office for the Protection of Competition approved with conditions the exemption from the prohibition of state aid in form of investment incentives for the company Furukawa Electric Autoparts Central Europe

2006-09-21 / State aid for company OKD, OKK is compatible On the basis of the application by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Office approved exemption from the prohibition of state aid in favour of the company OKD, OKK, a.s.

2006-09-21 / ČEZ - measures do not constitute state aid The Office terminated the administrative proceeding concerning approval of exemption from the prohibition of state aid to the company ČEZ in connection with sale of ownership interest in the business of eight regional distribution companies by closing this proceeding after concluding that in this case the measures...

2006-09-21 / Exemption from prohibiton of state aid for Mora Moravia The Office for the Protection of Competition approved exemption from the prohibition of state aid in favour of the company Mora Moravia

2006-09-21 / State aid for TESCAN company The Office for Protection of Competition approved an exemption from the state aid prohibition in favour of the undertaking TESCAN in the form of subsidy for entrepreneurial activity

2006-09-21 / The Office approved exemption for VÁLCOVNY PLECHU On the basis of application from the Ministry of Finance, the Office approved exemption from the prohibition of state aid in favour of the company VÁLCOVNY PLECHU, a.s.

2006-09-21 / Investment incentives for Siemens Elektromotory The Office for the Protection of Competition gave a green light to investment incentive in favour of the undertaking Siemens Elektromotory s.r.o.

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