Conference on State Aid Law 2017

The Conference on State Aid Law organized by the Office for the Protection of Competition will be held on May 17-18, 2017 in the Office’s headquarters (třída Kpt. Jaroše 7, Brno). The conference is dedicated to State aid related topics, such as general as well as specific matters of State aid, recent European case law in the field of State aid as well as the national case law and also issues related to State aid provided by municipalities and regional authorities.

The widely focused conference is addressed to all State aid providers (e.g. Ministries, Regions, Municipalities, other public authorities and other bodies disposing of public funds) as well as to the professional public (e.g. representatives of State aid beneficiaries, academics or attorneys). The conference will host experts from the Office for the Protection of Competition, representatives of the European Commission - DG Competition and representatives of EU Coordination Cells.



Introduction of Speakers and their Presentations


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