Press Releases
2007-03-13 / RWE Transgas fined 240 million CZK Chairman of the Czech Competition Authority (Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže - ÚOHS) Martin Pecina has imposed a fine of CZK 240,000,000 on RWE Transgas, the dominant gas supplier for an abuse of dominant position. First-instance decision of ÚOHS from August last year has been confirmed in main points
2007-02-23 / Information bulletin: Important Events 2006 The Office for the Protection of Competition presents the most Important Events of the year 2006 in its latest information bulletin
2007-01-11 / Drugstore takeover approved The Office for the Protection of Competition authorised a concentration of drugstore chains Schlecker and Droxi.
2007-01-04 / UOHS permits Penta to buy Aero UOHS has approved a takeover of state-run jet fighter maker Aero Vodochody by the Penta group.
2007-01-04 / UOHS approved merger of UPC and Karneval Czech Office for the Protection of Competition (UOHS) approved the merger of UPC and Karneval, numbers one and two on the cable broadcasting market.
2006-12-11 / ČEZ offered sufficiant commitments, no fine imposed The Office for the Protection of Competition discontinued its administrative proceedig instituted against the company ČEZ a.s. for abuse of its dominant position in the purchase of coal from Sokolovská uhelná mine after the competitor had offered proper commitments.
2006-11-06 / Fine for Škoda Auto reduced to 36 million CZK The Office for the Protection of Competition reduced the fine for Czech car maker Škoda Auto from original 55 million CZK to 36 million CZK by its repeated first-instance decision of 28th July 2006
2006-10-26 / ÚOHS imposed the fine 205 million CZK upon the Český Telecom company The Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition Martin Pecina imposed by his decision of 24th November 2005 the fine amounting to 205 million CZK (approx. 7,1 million €) upon the company Český Telecom (hereinafter referred to as “ČTc”) for infringement of the Article 82 of the EC Treaty
2006-10-23 / The Office considers state aid for Hyundai compatible with EC rules The Office for the Protection of Competition has recently reffered a planned state aid measure of Czech government that intends to support the construction of a car plant of South Korean company Hyundai in north Moravia to the European Commission
2006-10-23 / Regional Court confirmed e-toll decision The Regional Court in Brno rejected on the 17th of October a lawsuit filed by the company Autostrade against the decision of the Office for the Protection of Competition concerning the tender for e-toll collecting