Press Releases

2023-02-01 / The fine for obstruction of on-site inspection of Beryko is confirmed The Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition, Petr Mlsna, terminated the administrative proceedings with Beryko s.r.o. on the appeal against the fine for obstructing on-site investigation because the appeal was withdrawn. The first-instance decision with a fine of CZK 22.5 million has therefore...

2023-01-09 / Brother sewing equipment distributor fined more than a million CZK for fixing prices to retailers The Office for the Protection of Competition imposed a fine of CZK 1,134,000 on the company Sewing Technology Brother s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as “Brother“) for concluding and executing anticompetitive resale price maintenance agreements. According to the Office, the Czech and the EU competition rules...

2023-01-06 / New fine for abuse of dominant position imposed on CHAPS amounts to CZK 956,000 The Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition, Petr Mlsna, has confirmed repeatedly the fine of CZK 956,000 imposed on CHAPS spol. s r.o. (hereinafter CHAPS) for abuse of a dominant position in the market of updated data on public transport timetables

2023-01-05 / EURONA restricted price competition and online sales, the fine was significantly reduced for extraordinary cooperation The Office for the Protection of Competition imposed a fine of CZK 12,773,000 on the undertaking EURONA s.r.o. for concluding illegal vertical agreements restricting competition. The fine had not been appealed and has already become final

2022-11-21 / The Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition Upheld the Decision on the Anticompetitive Conduct of the Association of Language Schools, but the Fine Must be Recalculated Petr Mlsna, the Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as “the Office “), confirmed that Asociace jazykových škol, z. s. (the Association of Language Schools, hereinafter referred to as “the Association”) had committed anticompetitive conduct, but changed...

2022-11-09 / In its first-instance decision, the Office imposed a fine of CZK 22.5 million on the undertaking Beryko for the obstruction of dawn raid In its first-instance decision, the Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as “the Office”) imposed a fine of CZK 22,500,000 on Beryko s.r.o. for infringement of the obligation to provide the Office with necessary assistance during the on-site inspection. An appeal may be filed...

2022-10-24 / The Chairman of the Office Confirmed the Decision on Anti-competitive Conduct of the Undertaking GARLAND The Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as "the Office"), Petr Mlsna, rejected the appeal of the undertaking GARLAND distributor, s.r.o., (hereinafter referred to as "GARLAND") against the first instance decision according to which the undertaking had entered into...

2022-10-21 / The Office Imposed Another Maximum Possible Fine for Obstruction of a Dawn Raid, This Time on Undertaking MIT METAL POWER In its first-instance decision, the Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as "the Office") imposed a fine of CZK 1,870,000 on MIT METAL POWER, a.s. for hindering a dawn raid. An appeal was filed against the decision

2022-10-10 / Representatives of Competition Authorities Discussed the Economic Crisis and Approach to Green Policy at the European Competition Day in Prague On 10 October 2022, as part of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the international conference European Competition Day was held in Prague, which was organised by the Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as "the Office

2022-10-10 / Petr Mlsna - Opening Speech for the European Competition Day on 10 October 2022 Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Guests. After thirteen years, the Czech Republic holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union and after thirteen years the Office for the Protection of Competition organises the European Competition Day. This time not in Brno, like in 2009, but in Prague, in the very...

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