Press Releases

2021-11-25 / The Chairman of the Office Held Talks with the Executive Vice-President of the European Commisssion Margrethe Vestager Petr Mlsna, the Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as ''the Office''), held talks this evening with Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, whose competence includes the area of competition, as part of a working visit in Brussels

2021-09-22 / The Office for the Protection of Competition commemorated 30 years of its existence at a celebratory conference The Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as ''the Office'') celebrated 30 years of its existence today with a celebratory conference held at the Liechtenstein Palace in Prague. The Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, Mr. Radek Vondráček, the Prime Minister, Mr. Andrej Babiš...

2021-09-20 / St. Martin´s Conference 2021 After a one-year break due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office for the Protection of Competition organises again, as traditionally in November, the St. Martin´s Conference. The event aimed to the latest developments and current topics in competition policy has been regularly attended by reputable Czech and...

2021-09-01 / Annual Report of the Office for the Protection of Competition 2020 The Office for the Protection of Competition has published the Annual Report, summarising its notable activities in 2020 and outlining its agenda for 2021, the year in which the Office celebrates its 30th anniversary

2021-08-30 / Chairman of the Office confirmed decision on cartel of IT companies in the Olomouc Region The Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition Petr Mlsna confirms in his second-instance decision that the companies AUTOCONT, TESCO SW, ICZ, MERIT GROUP, A-Scan, Asseco Central Europe and FPO committed anticompetitive illegal conduct in connection with the public contract entitled "Development...

2021-08-24 / The Office fines the cartel concluded between the undertakings Dereza and Auböck In its first instance decision, the Office for the Protection of Competition imposed fines in the total amount of CZK 6,559,000 on the undertakings DEREZA and Auböck for a cartel agreement on a public contract

2021-06-29 / The Office Fined a Cartel of Logistics Companies and for the First Time Imposed a Ban on Public Procurement The Office for the Protection of Competition imposed fines in the total amount of CZK 2,854,000 for the cartel agreement on public procurement (bid rigging) on the logistics companies EXPRES VAN s.r.o. and Lorenc Logistic, s.r.o. In addition, the Office imposed a ban on the company EXPRES VAN s.r.o. on the performance...

2021-05-05 / SPIE Elektrovod and ASE Were Fined Almost CZK 34 Million for Public Procurement Cartel In its first instance decision, the Office for the Protection of Competition imposed fines in the total amount of CZK 33,917,000 on SPIE Elektrovod, a.s. and ASE, s.r.o. for a cartel agreement concerning tenders for electrical installation works awarded by ČEPS, a.s., the Czech electricity transmission system...

2021-04-13 / The Chairman of the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition called on Czech MPE´s not to Support Anticompetitive Regulation of Agriculture Mr. Petr Mlsna, Chairman of the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition, addressed his letter to all the Czech Members of the European Parliament, asking not to vote in favor of legislative proposals which could result in substantial distortion of competition in the agricultural sector

2021-03-09 / The Office takes part in international project Computational Antitrust The Office for the Protection of Competition has engaged in the new international „Computational Antitrust“ project focused on utilisation of the automatized legal analysis within the process of detection of the anticompetitive conduct. This project, being under the auspices of Stanford University, now gathers...

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