Press Releases
2013-12-18 / Fine for a distributor of Candy pet food confirmed The Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition (“the Office”) Mr. Petr Rafaj has confirmed by the second instance decision the imposition of fine of CZK 802,000 (approximately EUR 29,700) on the company CANDY, spol. s r.o., (“CANDY”) for breaching the Act on the Protection of Competition
2013-12-16 / Administration of roads of Karlovy Vary region impermissibly narrowed the range of tenderers The Office for the Protection of Competition (“the Office”) imposed fines in the amount of CZK 1 million and CZK 600,000 in its two first-instance decisions to Krajská správa a údržba silnic Karlovarského kraje (Regional Administration and Maintenance of Roads of Karlovy Vary Region) for a violation...
2013-12-11 / Breach of a ban on discrimination of tenderers The Office for the Protection of Competition (“the Office”) imposed the fine of CZK 500,000 to the company Krodos Bus, a.s., for administrative offences when awarding a public contract for the supply of low-floor intercity buses with a length of approximately 12 meters
2013-12-04 / Road and Motorway Directorate unlawfully awarded a public contract for the repair of a bridge in Trutnov The Office for the Protection of Competition (“the Office”) imposed by its first-instance decision the fine of CZK 800,000 to the Road and Motorway Directorate for the violation of the Act on Public Contracts (“the Act”) in the award procedure „I/14 repair of the bridge, evidence number 14-069 Trutnov HSM”
2013-10-18 / Fines for the Prague City Hall and Prague Public Transport company in the Open Card case were confirmed The Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition, Petr Rafaj, has confirmed by his second-instance decision the fine in the amount of CZK 600,000 imposed to the Prague City Hall and of CZK 500,000 imposed to Public Transport Company of the Capital City of Prague for the violation of the Act on Public...
2013-09-30 / The Supreme Administrative Court upheld the decision of the Office in the STUDENT AGENCY case The Supreme Administrative Court in its judgement of 30 September 2013 allowed the cassation complaint of the Office for the Protection of Competition concerning the case of the abuse of dominant position of the company STUDENT AGENCY
2013-09-19 / St. Martin Conference 2013 The Office for the Protection of Competition is organizing the seventh autumn St. Martin Conference which will be held on 12 and 13 November 2013 at the headquarters of the Office
2013-08-26 / The Office Clears Acquisition of the MAFRA Publishing House by AGROFERT Holding The Office for the Protection of Competition (“the Office”) has approved by its first instance decision the acquisition of MAFRA and Anděl Media Centrum by AGROFERT HOLDING
2013-08-20 / Annual Report 2012 The year 2012 not only saw the Office for the Protection of Competition entering its third decade of existence, but also brought a number of fundamental changes, primarily in the field of competition and public tenders
2013-08-09 / Fine imposed on the company REWE for not fulfilling commitments was confirmed The Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition (“the Office”), Mr. Petr Rafaj, dismissed the appeal of the company REWE Zentralfinanz eG against the first instance decision issued in January 2013 by which the fine 23.89 million CZK was imposed on this undertaking for not fulfilling commitments...