Press Releases

2013-03-20 / Taiwanese visit interested in activities of the Office On 19 March 2013, Delegation of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Prague paid a visit to the Office for the Protection of Competition. Vice-Chair of the Office Mr. Michal Petr and director of International Department Mr. Daniel Stankov greeted representatives of Economic Division of the Taipei Office Ms...

2013-02-06 / The Office imposed a fine for implementation of merger that was not approved The Office for the Protection of Competition („the Office“) imposed by its first-instance decision a fine amounting to CZK 530,000 on the company KAREL HOLOUBEK – Trade Group a.s. for implementation of concentration with the company Karlovarská teplárenská a.s. prior to submission of concentration notification...

2012-12-19 / Cartel in waste disposal sector fined nearly CZK 100,000,000 Office for the Protection of Competition imposed by its first-instance decision a fine amounting to CZK 96.579 million (approximately € 3,825,000) on companies A.S.A., spol. s r.o., van Gansewinkel, a.s., SITA CZ a.s. a AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. (hereinafter refered to as “ASA“, “AVE“...

2012-08-30 / Annual Report 2011 The Office for the Protection of Competition issued its Annual Report for the year 2011

2012-04-24 / Merger of bakeries cleared, subject to conditions The Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter “the Office”) has issued a commitment decision approving acquisition of company EURO BAKERIES HOLDING a.s. by AGROFERT HOLDING, a.s.

2011-12-14 / Information Bulletin Twenty Years of the Office for the Protection of Competition The Office for the Protection of Competition is commemorating an important anniversary, it is twenty years since the establishment of the Office

2011-09-20 / Annual report 2010 The Office for the Protection of Competition issued its annual report for the year 2010. The Office processed more than 60 administrative proceedings in the area of competition in the last year and imposed fines ammounting to CZK 88 millions. Within the field of public procurement, 511 first-isntance...

2011-06-17 / The Office hosted 4th Annual Workshop on Economic Issues in Competition Law co-organized with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission On 7 and 8 June 2011 the U. S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) together with the Office for the Protection of Competition (the Office) hosted 4th Annual Workshop on Economic Issues in Competition Law in Brno, Czech Republic. The event was opened by Petr Gajdušek, the adviser to the Chairman of the Office

2011-06-16 / U.S. Ambassador Norman L. Eisen visits the Office On Tuesday 10 May 2011, U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Norman L. Eisen, visited the Office for the Protection of Competition. The Ambassador was welcomed by the vice-chairman of the Office Mr. Kamil Rudolecký

2011-06-16 / The Office hosted 4th Annual Workshop on Economic Issues in Competition Law co-organized with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission On 7 and 8 June 2011 the U. S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) together with the Office for the Protection of Competition (the Office) hosted 4th Annual Workshop on Economic Issues in Competition Law in Brno, Czech Republic. The event was opened by Petr Gajdušek, the adviser to the Chairman of the Office

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