Press releases - Competition

2021-01-28 / The Chairman of the Office Upheld the Decision in Carpathia Cartel Case, One of the Fines Subject to Reassessment The Chairman of the Office, Petr Mlsna, upheld the decision on a prohibited agreement in the field of rail freight transport, the so-called Carpathia Cartel. The Chairman of the Office upheld the first-instance decision of June 2020 on the merits, only the operative part of the decision on the fine amounting...

2021-01-08 / Manager of EGEM Did Not Fulfil the Obligation to Cooperate during the Dawn Raid, the Office Imposed a Fine Amounting to CZK 2,362,000 Petr Mlsna, the Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition, by the decision of 6 January 2021 rejected the appeal of EGEM s.r.o. and upheld imposition of a fine amounting to CZK 2,362,000 for not fulfilling the obligation to cooperate with the Office during the dawn raid

2021-01-05 / The Chairman of the Office Confirmed Fine for Resale Price Maintenance Agreements Imposed on BABY DIREKT Petr Mlsna, the Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition, upheld imposition of a fine amounting to CZK 40,793,000 on BABY DIREKT s.r.o. which entered into prohibited vertical resale price maintenance agreements. On the basis of an appeal, the Chairman of the Office partly changed the contested...

2020-12-29 / The Office imposed a fine for gun-jumping in CSG/SKYPORT case The Office for the Protection of Competition (“the Office”) imposed a fine of CZK 4,487,000 on Skyport, a. s. (formerly CSG a.s.) for unapproved implementation of concentration before its clearance by the Office. The decision has already become final

2020-12-16 / INTERGRAM´s Fees Charged for Unoccupied Rooms Followed by the First-Instance Fine of CZK 20 million By its first-instance decision of 14 December 2020, the Office for the Protection of Competition imposed fine of CZK 20,799,000 on INTERGRAM z.s., a collective administrator of rights of performing artists and producers of phonograms and audio-visual fixations for abuse of dominant position. The decision has...

2020-12-09 / Office Imposed Fines for IT Cartel Agreement in Total Amount of CZK 75 million By its first-instance decision of 7 December 2020, the Office for the Protection of Competition imposed fines in the total amount of CZK 74,622,000 on AUTOCONT a.s., TESCO SW a.s., ICZ a.s., MERIT GROUP a.s., A-Scan s.r.o., Asseco Central Europe, a.s. a FPO s.r.o. for bid rigging agreement. The decision has...

2020-12-05 / World Competition Day Highlights the Significance of the Fair Competition for the Economies of Countries All around the World The competition community all around the world celebrates the World Competition Day on 5 December 2020. This year’s theme focuses on the competition policy and access to healthcare. The Office for the Protection of Competition has been involved in activities connected with the celebration of the World Competition...

2020-12-02 / Petr Mlsna Appointed as the Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition Petr Mlsna was appointed by the President of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman, as the Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition on 1 December 2020

2020-11-27 / The collective rights management organisation OSA abused dominant position; its appeal has been rejected and fine of CZK 10.7 million has been confirmed The chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition Petr Rafaj has rejected the appeal of the collective rights management organisation OSA - Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním, z.s., and confirmed the first-instance decision, by which a fine of CZK 10,676,000 was imposed on OSA...

2020-10-27 / Considering current COVID-19 emergency situation and tightening government measures, the St. Martin´s conference 2020 will not take place at all The Office for the Protection of Competition eventually cancelled this year’s conference focused on recent trends and developments in competition law

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