Press releases - Competition
2020-12-16 / INTERGRAM´s Fees Charged for Unoccupied Rooms Followed by the First-Instance Fine of CZK 20 million By its first-instance decision of 14 December 2020, the Office for the Protection of Competition imposed fine of CZK 20,799,000 on INTERGRAM z.s., a collective administrator of rights of performing artists and producers of phonograms and audio-visual fixations for abuse of dominant position. The decision has...
2020-12-09 / Office Imposed Fines for IT Cartel Agreement in Total Amount of CZK 75 million By its first-instance decision of 7 December 2020, the Office for the Protection of Competition imposed fines in the total amount of CZK 74,622,000 on AUTOCONT a.s., TESCO SW a.s., ICZ a.s., MERIT GROUP a.s., A-Scan s.r.o., Asseco Central Europe, a.s. a FPO s.r.o. for bid rigging agreement. The decision has...
2020-12-05 / World Competition Day Highlights the Significance of the Fair Competition for the Economies of Countries All around the World The competition community all around the world celebrates the World Competition Day on 5 December 2020. This year’s theme focuses on the competition policy and access to healthcare. The Office for the Protection of Competition has been involved in activities connected with the celebration of the World Competition...
2020-12-02 / Petr Mlsna Appointed as the Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition Petr Mlsna was appointed by the President of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman, as the Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition on 1 December 2020
2020-11-27 / The collective rights management organisation OSA abused dominant position; its appeal has been rejected and fine of CZK 10.7 million has been confirmed The chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition Petr Rafaj has rejected the appeal of the collective rights management organisation OSA - Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním, z.s., and confirmed the first-instance decision, by which a fine of CZK 10,676,000 was imposed on OSA...
2020-10-27 / Considering current COVID-19 emergency situation and tightening government measures, the St. Martin´s conference 2020 will not take place at all The Office for the Protection of Competition eventually cancelled this year’s conference focused on recent trends and developments in competition law
2020-10-21 / Agenda of St. Martin´s Conference 2020 to Cover not Only Competition but Also State Aid Issues CONSIDERING CURRENT COVID-19 EMERGENCY SITUATION AND TIGHTENING GOVERNMENT MEASURES, THE ST. MARTIN´S CONFERENCE 2020 WILL NOT TAKE PLACE AT ALL Despite the difficult current situation connected with pandemic of COVID-19 which allows only online format of St. Martin´s conference, the Office for the
2020-10-07 / Chairman of the Office to resign on 1 December Peter Rafaj shall resign his position of the Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition with effect from 1st December 2020. Mr. Rafaj has already informed the President of the Czech Republic about his intention
2020-10-01 / St. Martin´s Conference – online stream With regard to the current Covid-19 situation, this year’s St. Martin´s Conference held by the Office for the Protection of Competition on 11th and 12th November 2020 will be streamed online. The detailed program and conditions for online registration will be announced soon. Press unit of the Office
2020-06-22 / The Office imposed fine for the third cartel agreement in rail freight transport By its first-instance decision, the Office for the Protection of Competition imposed fines in the total amount of CZK 18,426,000 on AWT Čechofracht a.s., INTERFRACHT s.r.o., ARGO LOGISTICS, s.r.o. and SPEDICA, s.r.o. for cartel agreement in the field of international rail freight transport and forwarding