European Competition Day
The European Competition Day is a traditional event organized by each EU Presidency. It is a platform to exchange views on competition policy and law for members of competition authorities, government bodies, national and Community courts, business community, lawyers and scientists.
The main idea of Competition Commissioner Mr. Mario Monti when he proposed in 2000 that National Competition Authorities would organize a European Competition Day was to give policy support from the European Commission to the work and enforcement of National Competition Authorities in an open audience with national administration services, competition professionals, company managers and academic world in the Member States. The European Competition Day could shed light on the area of competition to citizens when all Member States decided to enter in a complex modernisation exercise of competition policy.
This year the European Competition Day 2009 took place on 13th and 14th May 2009 in Brno in the Czech Republic at Hotel Holiday Inn Congress Centre. The focus of the Competition Day was on private enforcement, dominance and the interface between leniency, direct settlements and criminalization of cartel. The second day of the conference was dedicated to the celebration of the five-year anniversary of the European Competition Network, cooperation among National Competition Authorities and to discussion on global financial crises from the point of view of competition.