St. Martin Conference 2010 – Recent Trends and Developments in Competition Law and Policy

11 - 12 November 2010
Office for the Protection of Competition
trida Kpt. Jarose 7, Brno, Czech Republic

For the fourth time in its history the Office for the Protection of Competition of the Czech Republic is going to host the autumn conference focusing on recent trends and developments in competition law and policy. As last year the conference date has been set for the  St. Martin’s day and the following day, 11 and 12 November 2010 and it will take place at the headquarters of the Czech competition authority in Brno.

The conference will provide an excellent opportunity to gain an update on the major developments in the field of the Czech, EC and global competition law and policy over the past twelve months. It will bring together Czech as well as foreign competition experts from (the) competition authorities and other governmental bodies, European Commission, business community, experts from private sectors, judiciary and academia.

This year's topics are designed to reflect, to the greatest extent possible, the most current issues that are encountered in legal practice. As usual, one of the topics will be “What's new in competition”.  Among other subjects to be discussed at this year's conference will be the due process of law, including the question of access to leniency documents, on-site inspections, and presenting economic analyses to the administrative and judicial authorities. From the perspective of a regulated entity, its legal representatives as well as administrative authorities, the questions of sectoral and competition regulation in the energy sector will be further discussed. There will also be an introduction to the latest trends in the more-economic approach.

Official languages of the conference are Czech and English, with simultaneous translation.

Registration fee is CZK 4.000 for public or CZK 1.000 for students, academicians and civil servants. (If you are unable to attend, a replacement delegate is welcome at no extra cost. No refunds can be made for cancellations, except for serious health reasons.)

For more information, please, contact Mr Daniel Stankov, director of International Department of the Office for the Protection of Competition at

Do you have a question for people from the Office or other competition experts but you are worried that the conference will not provide you with time or opportunity to ask your question?

St. Martin Conference is not supposed to be a lecture by the Office and the invited panelists but first and foremost an opportunity for discussion of various topics and issues you encounter in your everyday competition practice. That is why we welcome any questions from today till the day of the conference. We would like to ask you to record your question as a video and to send it to us either via e-mail (up to 10 MB), or via mail on a CD or upload it on Internet and send the link. The recording should include a brief introduction of the enquirer, the question itself and if you want also an addressee of the question.

During the discussion blocks of the conference we will try to answer and discuss with the panelists and the audience as many questions as possible. Your question can concern both the topics of the conference panels as well as any other areas of your interest.

We look forward to welcoming you to the St. Martin Conference in Brno!


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+420 542 167 111 ·