Introduction of Speakers and their Presentations
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Overview of the latest trends and developments in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the EU during the last year
Michal Petr
Vice-chairman; Czech Competition Authority
Michal Petr has worked for the Czech Competition Authority since 2003. In 2010, he was appointed Vice-Chairman responsible for competition law enforcement. He graduated from the Faculty of Law at Palacky University in Olomouc and Masaryk University in Brno. Before his current appointment, he worked as Director of the Legislation and International Affairs Section and as a Chairman of the appellate commission of the Authority. He was responsible for the amendments of the Protection of Competition Act related to accession of the Czech Republic to the EU, revision of the Leniency Programme or delimitation of competences of the Competition Authority and sector regulators. He lectures competition law at Masaryk University in Brno and Palacky University in Olomouc. He authored and co-authored numerous publications on competition law and due process issues and is a member of the editorial board of the Revue of Competition Law magazine.
Radoslav Tóth
Vice-chairman; Slovak Competition Authority
Radoslav Toth has been a Vice-Chairman of the Slovak Competition Authority since July 2012. Before that, he worked for the law office LAWCORP. In his practice he focused on competition law and international transactions. He graduated at the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava (2002) and obtained a postgraduate degree at the London School of Economics (2007). Mr Toth is an external lecturer on Competition Law at the Faculty of Law of the Charles University.
Petr Zákoucký
Lawyer; Clifford Chance LLP
Petr Zákoucký is a Senior Associate at Clifford Chance in Prague and leads the office's energy, competition and public procurement practice. He represents clients in the development of new projects, M&A, joint venture projects and disputes in the Czech Republic as well as within the region. Within its regulatory practice, he also regularly lectures at conferences (including, for instance, conferences of TOPGAS, CEPKON, Office for the Protection of Competition) and at the retreats of the energy section of the Union of In-House Lawyers. He spent a half a year with the Clifford Chance competition team in Brussels. Before joining Clifford Chance in 2006, Mr Zákoucký worked for the law firm White & Case; he also completed internships with the General Court in Luxembourg and with the European Commission's DG Competition in Brussels. He obtained a master's degree in law from Charles University in Prague (2002), within which completed a one-year exchange study programme at the Faculty of Law in Manchester (2001). He also completed LL.M. study programmes in Tuebingen (2004) and Amsterdam (2005).
Tomáš Kubeša
Lawyer; Czech Competition Authority
Tomáš Kubeša works at the Cartel Department of the Czech competition authority. The competences of this department include investigating horizontal agreements and also the decisions of associations. He regularly represents the authority at the meetings of the European Competition Network and other international events. He also took part in the educational programme for public procurers focusing on bid-rigging.
Tomáš Kubeša graduated at the Faculty of Law of the Masaryk University in Brno, where he continues his academic activities focusing especially on the relation between competition law and intellectual property.
Anna Gatziou
Lawyer; Greek Competition Authority
Anna Gatziou has been working for the Hellenic Competition Commission as the Legal Expert since June 2011 within the Directorate of Legal Service. She is a member of the HCC Task Force on liberal professions. OECD, ECN and other International agenda also fall within her scope of competence. During the year 2013 Ms Gatziou participated as the competition expert, assigned by the Hellenic Competition Commission, in the OECD Project “Competition Assessment of Laws and Regulations in Greece”. The scope of the project was the assessment of the costs and benefits of regulations potentially restricting competition in four designated sectors of the Greek economy (namely retail trade, food processing, building materials and tourism). Before joining the Competition Commission Ms Gatziou gained experience in private sector, for example she worked as an Associate in Potamitis-Vekris Law Partnership and other law offices. Ms Gatziou studied European economic law at the Institut d’études politiques (Sciences Po- Paris) at the Université Robert Schuman III in Strasbourg. She gained the Law Degree at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the LL.M in International and European Law at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Jaques Steenbergen
President; Belgian Competition Authority
Prof. Dr. Jacques Steenbergen is since its establishment as an independent authority in 2013 president of the Belgian Competition Authority. He was from 2007 to 2013 director general of the directorate general for competition in the Belgian ministry of economic affairs. He teaches competition law at the University of Leuven since 1980. Before joining the competition authority, he was partner in the Brussels office of Allen & Overy, and he has been legal secretary to the President of the Court of Justice under the presidency of Prof. J. Mertens de Wilmars.
He is also member of the Bureau of the OECD Competition Committee, member of the board of editors and former editor-in-chief of the Dutch-Belgian European law review SEW, member of the scientific committee of the law review Concurrences, member and former president of the Board of the Stichting van het Koninklijk Conservatorium of Brussels (the foundation of the royal academy for music of Brussels), and honorary member of the Bar of Brussels (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten bij de Balie te Brussel). He is a former member of the Brussels and Flemish Bar Councils.
He lectured or gave conferences and served as member of nomination committees or PhD examination committees in institutes and universities in Austria, Belgium, China, France, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. He also spoke at conferences in Brazil, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Japan, Luxembourg, Portugal, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. He publishes regularly on EU and competition law.
He obtained a PhD at the KU Leuven with prof. dr. W. van Gerven on legal remedies and ailing industries (1978). He holds a masters degree in law from the KU Leuven (1972), and bachelor degrees or equivalent certificates in law, philosophy and economics from the University of Antwerp (UFSIA)(1969).
Zuzana Šabová
Lawyer; Slovak Competition Authority
Zuzana Šabová is a director of the Legal and International Unit of the Slovak Competition Authority. Representing the authority within court´s proceedings, legislative activities and participation in the meetings of the European Competition Network and other international activities fall within the scope of competence of this Unit. The Unit is also responsible for the conduct of second instance proceedings, for drafting the second instance decisions and for related agenda of the Council of the Slovak Competition Authority. Ms Šabová joined the authority as a lawyer in the year 2000 and was appointed a director in the year 2003.
Ms Šabová studied at the Faculty of Law of Komenského University in Bratislava and in the year 2003 she gained the JUDr. degree. She has been lecturing the competition law at the same faculty and regularly publishes articles on current competition issues.
David Vogrinec
Lawyer; Slovenian Competition Authority
David Vogrinec has been working for the Department for restrictive actions and minor offences of the Slovenian Competition Protection Agency since the year 2011. In the year 2012 he conducted an internship in DG Competition of the European Commission where he participated on investigations of cases of abuse of dominant position and cartel cases with European impact. Also he took part in drafting of the publication of the European Commission on application of the Article 106 TFEU. He studied at the Law School Maribor, Slovenia.
Milan Brouček
Economist; Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission
Milan Brouček studied economics and management at Military University of Ground Forces in Vyškov, Faculty of National Defense Economics. In 2000-2004 he worked as a teacher and analyst. In 2004 he began to work for the Office for the Protection of Competition as a director of the Economic department and since the beginning of 2009 as the Chief Economist. From May 2012 he worked as Chief Economist at the Slovak Competition Authority and in April 2013 he has joined the Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission. Mïlan Brouček has also been lecturing Competition Economics at the Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Economics and Administration.
Raphaël De Coninck
Vice President; Charles River Associates
Raphaël De Coninck is a Vice President at Charles River Associates (CRA) and heads CRA’s Brussels Office, which he joined from the European Commission. He has extensive experience in the application of economic analysis and quantitative techniques within the context of competition law. Raphaël has provided expert economic advice in numerous high-profile mergers, as well as in complex antitrust, cartel and private damages cases, both at the European and national level.
As a member of the Chief Economist Team at DG Competition, he contributed to major competition policy initiatives, including the Best Practices for Economic Submissions and Data Collection in Merger and Antitrust cases, the Ex-officio Methodology for Cartel Investigations, and the Guidance Paper on the Quantification of Antitrust Damages in Civil Proceedings. He previously lectured on law and economics in the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago and held a postdoctoral research fellow position at New York University School of Law.
Raphaël is listed as a leading competition economist in The International Who's Who of Competition Lawyers & Economists. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Chicago and degrees in law and in economics from the University of Liège.
Daniel Donath
Lawyer; ČEZ
Daniel Donath currently primarily advises the Czech energy incumbent ČEZ on competition and regulatory issues. Prior to his current role, he spent 10 years in Brussels and London as a Principal in the European Competition Practice of Charles River Associates and as a member of the Chief Economist’s Team at the European Commission. Daniel Donath also served on the Appeals Board of the Czech Competition Authority from 2008 to 2010. He specializes in providing expert economic advice in merger, cartel and abuse of dominance investigations, and state aid and regulatory investigations. During his career, he represented dozens of companies across a wide range of industries such as energy, telecommunications, transport and financial services before the European Commission, national competition and regulatory authorities and the courts. Dan has a doctorate in economics from Pennsylvania State University, frequently speaks at conferences and teaches competition economics at the Masaryk University in Brno.
Goran Serdarević
Economist; Frontier Economics
Goran Serdarević is a Senior Consultant at Frontier Economic, with a focus on competition and regulatory economics in network industries, in particular the telecommunications sector.
Goran has worked on key competition cases for fixed and mobile operators across the EU. For instance, Goran advised Slovak Telekom in the context of an abuse of dominance investigation by the European Commission (Article 102), where he was responsble for the margin squeeze analysis. He was also part of the team advising Deutsche Telekom during the succesfull acquisition of GTS Central Europe. For Vodafone CZ, Goran prepared the analysis of the Czech mobile market testing whether the necessary conditions for joint dominance are likely to be fulfilled in this market.
Prior to joining Frontier in 2010, Goran worked at the Prague offices of EEIP and McKinsey & Co. Goran holds a Masters degree in Finance and Banking from the Charles University in Prague and MA in Economics from the LMU in Munich. He is currently a PhD candidate in economics at the Charles University. Goran is fluent in Czech, Slovak, English, German and Serbian/Croatian.
Alexis Walckiers
Economist; Belgian Competition Authority
Dr. Alexis Walckiers is the chief economist of the Belgian competition authority. He sits on the board of the Authority and advises competition prosecutors on economic issues surrounding mergers and competition investigations. He also teaches Advanced microeconomics at the Université libre de Bruxelles.Prior to joining the Belgian competition authority, Alexis worked for Oxera, an economics consultancy, where he specialized in the economics of competition law and financial regulation.
He holds a PhD in economics from Ecares-ULB and degrees in Physics and Philosophy. He has published a number of articles in competition policy and economics journals, including the Journal of the European Economic Association.
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Martin Vitula
Economist; Czech Competition Authority
Since September 2007, he has worked as the Director of Merger Department. Before he worked as the Director of Department I of the Competition Section, where he focused on competition in the energy sector and industry and as an economist at the Office for the Protection of Competition.
He has contributed to the elaboration of a number of documents published by the Office for the Protection of Competition, and took part in many conferences and workshops in the area of competition. Martin Vitula graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administration of the Masaryk University.
Šarūnas Keserauskas
Chairman; Lithuanian Competition Authority
Mr Šarūnas Keserauskas was appointed as a Chairman of Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania in April 2011. Before joining the Competition Council Mr Keserauskas worked for the Office of Fair Trading in the United Kingdom as Senior Legal Advisor advising case teams on antitrust matters. He gained a lot of experience in competition protection also in private sector as an adviser. He represented clients in antitrust investigations, merger filings and court litigation. He has been a competition law lecturer at the Vilnius University since the year 2005. Mr Keserauskas contributes to a lot of international conferences and discussions by giving a speech on broad range of competition issues. He gained the PhD in Law and LL.M in European Law at the King´s College London at the University of London. He studied LL.M in Law specialized in international law at the Vilnius University.
Ulrich von Koppenfels
Lawyer; European Commission
Ulrich von Koppenfels joined the European Commission’s Directorate General for Competition in 2000 after having worked for five years at the Bundeskartellamt (German National Competition Authority).
As a case handler in DG Competition, he worked on a number of high-profile cases, first in the field of merger control (including Schneider/Legrand, Lagardère/Vivendi Universal Publishing, Siemens/VA Tech and Metso/Aker Kvaerner), then in the Energy & Environment Antitrust unit (i.a. on market-sharing between German and French gas suppliers E.ON and GDF and foreclosure of the Italian gas market by ENI). Since 2009, Ulrich von Koppenfels has been responsible for case support/coordination and policy, currently as a member of the Merger Case Support and Policy unit. In this capacity he has worked both on coordinating antitrust and merger cases and on policy projects (including the package for simplifying merger procedures adopted in December 2013 and the White Paper "Towards more effective EU merger control" published in July 2014, covering i.a. the issue of minority shareholdings).
Ulrich von Koppenfels studied law in Bonn, Geneva and Freiburg and gained a post-graduate degree at the College of Europe in Bruges. He has taught European merger control law as a guest lecturer at Freie Universität Berlin.
Ombretta Main
Economist; Italian Competition Authority
Ombretta Main is a Head of the Directorate for European and International Affairs of the Italian Competition Authority (ICA).
Throughout the years, she has held several positions at the Italian Competition Authority: Deputy Secretary General (2012 –2013) Head of the Directorate for European Affairs (2008-2012), Head of the Energy Unit (2006-2008), Head of the Financial and Insurance Services Unit (2003-2006), and Head of the Liberal Professions Unit (1997-2003).
Prior to joining the ICA, Ombretta Main worked as a researcher in Industrial Organization at Bocconi University, Italy, and as a consultant for private research centers in the same field.
She was also a lecturer of Economics of Regulation and Competition at the University of Cassino, Italy, and Tudor Fellow of Microeconomics at the University of Sussex, UK.
She has published several articles on antitrust issues, and speaks regularly at national and international conferences on competition topics.
Ombretta Main graduated in Economics at the University of Venice, Italy, and holds a Phd in Economics from the University of Sussex, UK.
Robert Neruda
Partner; Havel, Holásek & Partners
Robert Neruda is a Partner of Havel, Holásek & Partners and the head of the firm’s team of lawyers specializing in competition and state aid law. He represents clients in proceedings related to concentrations between undertakings and advises them on related issues, represents businesses suspected of anticompetitive conduct, and advises clients on the competition aspects of their contemplated projects. Mr Neruda is recommended by the international publications Who's Who of Competition Lawyers, Chambers Europe and PLC Which Lawyer? Team of competition lawyers from Havel, Holásek & Partners was awarded in the official competition Law Firm of the Year 2013 in the Czech Republic and in the competition Client Choice 2014 for Antitrust and Competition.
Before joining Havel, Holásek & Partners, Mr Neruda worked for eight years for the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition, last two years as Vice-Chairman of the Competition Section. He then served as an assistant to the judge at the Czech Supreme Administrative Court in 2004 and 2005. Mr Neruda is a co-author of the commentaries on the Act on the Protection of Competition (Linde 2004 and 2004) and the Act on Public Contracts (Linde 2005 and 2007), an author and co-author of many specialist articles. He lectures at two universities and many national and international forums.
David Anderson
Partner; Berwin Leighton Paisner
Dave Anderson is a partner in Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP's Competition, EU & Competition Law team and is the Managing Partner of its Brussels office. He is a dual US/UK national and is qualified to practice law in the US and UK and is a member of the Brussels Bar. Dave has practiced in London and Brussels in the EU and international competition law field for nearly 20 years.
His practice focuses on EU and international merger, cartel and abuse of dominance cases. He also advises on EU regulatory law, transport law and on communications and public affairs strategies. In the area of merger control, Dave regularly represents global corporations on international transactions before the European Commission and national antitrust and sectoral regulators around the world. He specialises in handling complex multijurisdictional merger reviews and has led and coordinated filings and reviews in most major jurisdictions with merger control regimes. In the area of cartels, Dave has extensive experience representing companies involved in cartel proceedings before the European Commission and other antitrust agencies. He has advised clients in relation to a number of the largest international cartel cases in the chemical, energy, mining and hi-tech sectors. In the area of dominance and monopolies, Dave advises multinational companies on pricing and behavioural compliance issues as well as parties damaged by non-compliance. Dave has represented clients in many sectors in connection with complaints to and investigations by regulators worldwide on abuse of dominance issues.
Dave is also very active on the policy side of international antitrust. He serves as a non-governmental adviser to the European Commission on the work of the International Competition Network (ICN). He has also advised the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and many national competition agencies on competition law reform and agency capacity building in Europe, Asia and Africa.
Dave is recognised as a leading international antitrust lawyer by Chambers, Legal 500, Legal Business and PLC’s Which Lawyer.
Marcel Balz
Economist; German Competition Authority
Marcel Balz is working as a case-handler in the 7th decision division, which is inter alia responsible for competition cases in the sectors of telecommunications, IT, and production and sale of (consumer) electronics.
Furthermore is working as a desk officer in the General Policy Division where he focus on vertical restraints.
As a graduated economist he has been working in the Bundeskartellamt since 2008.
Tomáš Fiala
Lawyer; Vejmelka & Wünsch
Tomas Fiala completed Master's Degree in law at the Law Faculty of Masaryk University in Brno in 1993, Ph.D. obtained at the same university in 2001. From 1993 to 2001 he worked at the Office for Protection of Competition, from 1999 to 2001 he worked as a Director of the Department for European Integration and International Affairs and also he was a member of the appellate commission for competition issues. Within years 2001 - 2002 he worked as a clerk in the Prague branch of law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. Since the taking over of the company by its then partners in late 2002 he conducted his practice in a law firm Vejmelka & Wünsch. In 2005, he became a lawyer acting in the law firm Vejmelka & Wünsch. He is a member of the Czech Bar Association and the Czech Association for Competition Law. He participated as a speaker on several seminars and conferences focused on the issue of competition protection and also published a series of legal articles focused on competition. Rating publisher Chambers Europe 2009 stated that Tomas Fiala belonged to leading professionals in the area of competition law. He speaks Czech and English.
Currently he has been specializing on competition law, legal provisions on public procurement, protection of personal data and pharmaceutical law.
Jiří Kindl
Lawyer; Weil, Gotshal & Manges
Jiří Kindl works for the law firm WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES s.r.o., where he is focused on the protection of competition. He graduated summa cum laude at the Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague. He also studied law at the University of Limerick in Ireland and the Magister Juris postgraduate course at the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford (University College), where he received the Medal (Distinction) and the Clifford Chance Prize (Best Student of the Year in the Magister Juris program), Winter Williams Prize (Best Student in the subject of the European Business Regulation), and Monckton Chambers Prize (Best Student in the subject of Competition Law). He co-authored the publications Competition Law (Prague: C.H.Beck, 2006; 2012) and Act on the Protection of Competition, Commentary (Prague: C.H.Beck, 2007, 2010). He is also the author of a specialized monograph Cartel and Distribution Agreements (Prague: C.H.Beck, 2009). His articles on the subject of the protection of competition are on a regular basis published in the Czech Republic and abroad. He externally teaches the competition law at the Faculty of Law at the Charles University in Prague. He is regularly mentioned among the recommended lawyers in the area of competition in the Czech Republic in all relevant reference publications (Chambers Europe, PLC Which Lawyer? – Cross border competition, IFLR Guide – World's leading competition & antitrust lawyers, Best lawyers, etc.).
Ralph Taschke
Lawyer; Austrian Competition Authority
Ralph Taschke studied law at the University of Vienna and University of Nottingham law schools and graduted in 2011, obtaining the Austrian "Magister of law"- degree.
In 2012 he completed his court internship in Austrian civil and criminal courts.
In 2013 he was a case handler at the law section of the Austrian Ministry of Defense and Sports, mainly dealing with civil law cases.
In February 2014 Ralph Taschke changed to the Austrian Competition Authority, where he is dealing with investigations in cartell cases right from the start. Currently Ralph Taschke is part of the organising team of the Vienna Competition Conference, which will take place on 11 and 12 December 2014.
Besides that, Ralph Taschke completed the extra-occupational studies of media-law on 24 November 2014, obtaining a LL.M. masters degree.
Hynek Brom
First Vice-chairman; Czech Competition Authority
Hynek Brom was born on 12 October 1975 in Pilsen. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, where he has been also teaching at the Department of Public Administration since 2000. From 2000 till 2002 Mr. Brom acted as a head of secretariat of the Governor of Pilsen region. In the years 2000-2009 he was deputy mayor and later mayor of the city circuit Pilsen 4. Since 2006 Mr. Brom was a member of several expert bodies of the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic, as well as expert institutions dealing with organization and execution of public administration. Hynek Brom joined the Office for the Protection of Competition in November 2009 as the Director of Section of State Aid and Administration and a month later he was appointed the First Vice-Chairman who is a head of the Section of Public Regulation and Administration of the Office.
Josef Bejček
Head of Commercial Law Department of the Faculty of Law; Masaryk University
In the years 1995–2001, Mr Bejcek was the Dean of the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University in Brno. Currently, he chairs the Commercial Law Department of the same faculty. He has been called upon as an expert witness in various important international arbitrations. He has been a member of the Appeal Commission of the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition since the very beginning of its existence, and he has also taken part in the work of many committee that contributed to the drafting of new legislation (the Civil Code, the Act on the Protection of Competition, and the Public Procurement Act). He works as an arbitrator of the Arbitration Court attached to the Czech Chamber of Commerce and the Czech Agrarian Chamber. Mr Bejček has been and is a member of several scientific councils; he worked in accreditation commissions of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Czech Government’s Council for Research and Development, and as a member of the Social and Economic Sciences council of the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. He is a member of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA), the Czech Group of the International Association of Legal Science and the Czech Group of the International League of Competition Law; he is a member of the Czech Bar Association as well. He lectures around the world, including Vienna, Budapest, Munich, Berlin, Poznan, Regensburg, Salzburg, New York, Atlanta, Washington, Zurich, Bonn, Aix-en-Provence, etc. He has been working in some editorial boards of legal journals and he currently presides over the editorial board of the specialized journal for competition law „Antitrust“. Mr Bejček has authored and co-authored a number of articles, studies, and textbooks on competition law and commercial law.
Miroslav Koberna
Federation of the Food and Drink Industries of the Czech Republic
Miroslav Koberna has been a Director for programming and strategy at the Federation of the Food and Drink Industries of the Czech Republic since the year 2000. Economic issues and international projects fall within his scope of competence. Before joining the Federation he worked in private sector as a business director and as an expert of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Miroslav Koberna is a Vice-chairman of a council of the Czech Technology Forum for Food, a council member of the Research Institute for Food Industry in Prague and a member of a council for science of the Research Institute for Dairy Products. He participated on several European and Czech projects, for example related to international comparison of retail chains from the perspective of competitiveness, projects focused on traditional food and drinks in the common European market, on improvement of competitiveness of agricultural sector and forestry, or on realization and operation of food information system FOODNET.
He regularly publishes professional articles and provides his expert opinion to media and lectures in professional seminars and conferences.
Miroslav Koberna studied at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague. He gained the CSc. at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of West Bohemia.
Ombretta Main
Economist; Italian Competition Authority
Ombretta Main is a Head of the Directorate for European and International Affairs of the Italian Competition Authority (ICA).
Throughout the years, she has held several positions at the Italian Competition Authority: Deputy Secretary General (2012 –2013) Head of the Directorate for European Affairs (2008-2012), Head of the Energy Unit (2006-2008), Head of the Financial and Insurance Services Unit (2003-2006), and Head of the Liberal Professions Unit (1997-2003).
Prior to joining the ICA, Ombretta Main worked as a researcher in Industrial Organization at Bocconi University, Italy, and as a consultant for private research centers in the same field.
She was also a lecturer of Economics of Regulation and Competition at the University of Cassino, Italy, and Tudor Fellow of Microeconomics at the University of Sussex, UK.
She has published several articles on antitrust issues, and speaks regularly at national and international conferences on competition topics.
Ombretta Main graduated in Economics at the University of Venice, Italy, and holds a Phd in Economics from the University of Sussex, UK.
Marta Nováková
Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism
Marta Novakova is a Chair of the council of the company U&SLUNO active in the area of information technology and professional counceling focused on retail, logistics and distribution.
She started her professional career as a business manager of shopping centers PRIOR SM. Then she worked as a director and procurist of professional publisher SALVO.
She stuied System engineering at the Economic Faculty of the University Báňská. She a gained a lot of experience during her career in leading positions. She is an absolvent of MBA focused on Strategy for Management and of other professional courses.
Since May 2014 she has been a President of the Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism.